As a child, I fell often. The outdoors was my space and earth, my ally. Whether it was arbitrary running around with friends, or pretending to climb a mountain on a three-feet incline, or learning the life-changing skill of cycling, each scar on my body tells a different story. And each of these, I wear…
On April 6 2014, I sold my things, packed only the very necessary, unwillingly wound up my life in Bombay and prepared to move to Turiya Villa and Spa for my first seasonal job for the next six months. At that point in time, the only plan I had was to travel limitless and unselectively….
Since April last year, I have moved three homes, travelled 17 destinations (and counting) and have had numerous once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Amidst all of this, I have lost a number of assignments, missed birthdays and have delayed work on my website. Sometimes, I wish I were in one place, with steady Internet to make up for…