A Christmas Wonderland Called Saxony

On a cold gloomy morning, I arrived at Leipzig, in Germany’s federal state of Saxony, with enthusiasm and anxiety. My weapon against the cold was my warm jacket and fighting my anxiety was a meticulously marked map of Leipzig in my pocket. Augustusplatz was where Leipzig Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas market) begun for me. Dating back to…

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Solo Destination: Seiffen, Saxony, Germany

Last year this time, I was packing my bags to explore the Christmas Markets in Saxony, Germany. My third and last destination within the state was a town called Seiffen. Seiffen sits on the border of Czech and Germany, in the region of Erzgebirgskreis. Historically, Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) was a silver mining region. Over the…

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Solo Destination: Leipzig, Saxony, Germany

As the wheels touched the runway of Leipzig/Halle Airport in Saxony, eastern most state of Germany, I could sense the cold weather outside from within the aircraft. My face, however, was gleaming like a spring blossom. I was ecstatic to finally be in Germany. Leipzig was first of my three destinations in Saxony. On assignment…

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