In all my travels, whether naturally or compulsively, I emerge as a different person. And that has made me realise that seeking is a continuous process, through all aspects of life. But then there are those moments when I have felt that I could no longer go on. When answers come hard and even worse, truth…
There are some moments in our life when it is always better to have some company. For me, travelling isn’t one of those. Call me selective, but I tend to be careful who I travel with. I feel the best way to test any friendship is to travel with that person. I know a lot of…
Since April last year, I have moved three homes, travelled 17 destinations (and counting) and have had numerous once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Amidst all of this, I have lost a number of assignments, missed birthdays and have delayed work on my website. Sometimes, I wish I were in one place, with steady Internet to make up for…